“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both”-James Madison

By focusing on “knowledge and information” as Mr. Madison advises, a diverse coalition– conservative, liberal, libertarian, independent, literally everyone, of Americans can reestablish meaningful political systems and structures the US Constitution empowers “WE THE PEOPLE” to establish. The sole purpose of this nonpartisan web site is to present to Americans a blueprint for using our Constitutional power to:

1. Provide a forum for  grass roots candidates instead of the professional politicians the political parties support;

2. Eliminate the financial advantage of professional politicians over grassroots candidates;

3. Ensure that candidates for office and office-holders are sufficiently held to account.

There are four pillars to “WE” recovering OUR democracy. They are summarized below and additional detail is offered by clicking the link after each summary.

Please take 10 minutes to read this site and make a conscience decision. Decide to become a part of “WE” and to act in your own area to acquire “knowledge and information”and support grass roots candidates that do not have the backing of a major party. Rejecting plutocracy and re-establishing democracy will be difficult and needs all of us.


REMOVE MONEY from politics  and inspire

“WE” haven’t used our Constitutional power and we’ve disengaged from politics because it is a money controlled system stacked against us. That reason to disengage is no longer valid. This site is a challenge to us all to think deeper, reason together and work to improve the lives of all Americans.

“WE”, all of us, you, have a decision to make. Will “WE” take Mr. Madison’s advice and claim the “power” that “knowledge and information” gives? This nonpartisan web site is entirely separate from the mainstream media and social network “news”.

Here’s how “WE” can think deeper and reason together. Republicans, democrats, progressives, independents, MeToo, the 3%ers, M 4 Black Lives, the alt right, Make America Great Again, the “resistance” and every other social and political movement, can evolve and advance American politics and simultaneously enhance their own movement and values. Each of these movements has its own agenda to promote, which is totally American. What we are asking here is that these movements add the demand for “One Hour A Week”(that’s explained on the following pages) from candidates and/or officeholders in addition to their issue-specific demands.

These movements will not have to finance anything and the time demand is minuscule. It may be nothing  more than carrying an additional demonstration sign that says, “One Hour A Week”. Surely everyone, regardless of politics, can come together for a renewed political system that supports all grass roots candidates and where money is not needed. Communication from politicians shouldn’t require a new social movement, or a march on Washington DC or a state capitol, to make them listen and have a discussion. There are four pillars to “WE” re-creating the OUR democracy. They are summarized below and additional detail is offered by clicking the link after each summary.



It is absurd that the politicians control every aspect of their communications with us but “We the People” can change this immediately. We must demand ONE HOUR A WEEK from them during which their PHILOSOPHY/BELIEFS/VALUES on a given topic, health care for instance, or gerrymandering, will be discussed for the entire hour.  Their preparation for the one hour is minimal — surely they don’t have to prepare to explain their philosophy on a topic. “WE” want “knowledge and information” not to challenge them on how they voted or what they said— that challenge is for the mainstream media to follow up on. Our forums are apolitical so we don’t have to challenge, only endeavor to elicit “knowledge and information” for citizens to consider and act on as they choose.


  1. Topic is announced one week ahead of time. We’re not trying to play “gottcha”.
  2. No leading questions. Leading questions suggest an answer and “WE” want “knowledge and information”. Leading questions would not be productive.
  3. Must be a registered candidate for office in accordance with filing requirements
  4. No live audience. These “knowledge and information” one hour sessions shouldn’t be interrupted by an audience and “WE” don’t want the politician playing to an audience.
  5. Politician may appear in person or by video conference.
  6. Discussions will be available on TV live and archived in the network library for public access. Of course there are many qualified people able to appropriately ask the questions following the rules without training. But the integrity of the weekly one-hour discussion is crucial so that improper or poorly worded questions don’t provide a reason for politicians to refuse to participate.


This is not a Town Hall meeting format where many topics are addressed superficially. It is in-depth discussion of only one or two topics in an hour. Two or three people asking the questions and a moderator to ensure compliance with the Rules seems practical.

The panelists asking the questions is a highly important decision. This movement is created to encourage grassroots candidates. The discussions/questions for the candidates also need to come from the people at the “grassroots”. The questions should come from people that actually live with the issues to be addressed. “WE” are taking control, so the makeup of the panelists should not be delegated.

The role of the moderator is to ensure the rules are followed. This is CRUCIAL because improper or poorly worded questions that do not follow the Rules would provide politicians a reason to refuse participation. The moderator could reword the question if it was not within the rules or help the panelist to do so.

The point is that “WE” cannot turn over questioning of candidates and incumbents to media journalists or newscasters. If that was effective, this movement would not be needed.

The success or failure of this movement lies in the “purity” of the discussions. Trying to play “gotcha” will result in candidates not participating. Worse, it violates the premise and pledge “WE” made when the invitation to our forums was extended. Restoring good faith and forthrightness are part of the evolution this movement seeks. There must be a good faith on both sides, and it starts with these in- depth discussions.




Where will these discussion forums take place? Initially on the local PBS affiliates or the public access channels on the various cable television channels. However,  “WE THE PEOPLE” need to raise the money to create a nationwide TV network devoted solely to conducting political campaigns and to hold office holders accountable via the weekly one-hour discussions. Crowd funding a mere $5.00 per eligible age voter in the US will raise $1 Billion dollars. Until that ideal is realized, PBS or even renting network TV studio time could suffice. Again, this money is raised on the state and local level.

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