Here’s how “WE” can fix the three problems of money buying elections, absence of grass roots candidates and no accountable. Republicans, democrats, progressives, independents, MeToo, the 3%ers, M 4 Black Lives, the alt right, Make America Great Again, the “resistance” and every other social and political movement, can evolve and advance American politics and simultaneously enhance their own movement and values. Each of these movements has its own agenda to promote, which is totally American. What we are asking here is that these movements add the demand for “One Hour A Week”(that’s explained on the following pages) from candidates and/or officeholders in addition to their issue-specific demands. These movements will not have to finance anything and the time demand is minuscule. Surely everyone, regardless of politics, can come together for a renewed political system that supports all grass roots candidates and where money is not needed. Communication from politicians shouldn’t require a new social movement, or a march on Washington DC or a state capitol, to make them listen.

Money, about $5 Billion an election cycle, $14 Billion in the 2020 election, is controlling our elections and governmental policies, — thanks to the SC Citizens United case. The actions of professional politicians is to be re-elected, not govern for the common good. The result is “WE THE PEOPLE” and the needs of America are ignored.  A few facts supporting that last statement:

Here are some legislative results when ‘WE THE PEOPLE” lose control of politicians:    healthcare system ranks last among 11 developed countries;   *our educational system ranks 27th in the world;   *interest on the national debt is in the top five largest government expenditures;   *our roads and bridges are crumbling;   *US military spending is roughly equal to China, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, India, France and Japan COMBINED;   *the income/wealth gap is growing wider each year;   *gerrymandering disenfranchises millions of voters;  *American’s confidence in the media has dangerously eroded;  *almost the entire world is addressing climate change except the US Congress;  *taxpayers bailed out Wall Street about 10 years ago but Congress did almost nothing for average Americans.  *the US armed forces has a presence in about 150 countries


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