If you believe our political system is broken, we are divided and angry, we’re afraid our children will be shot at school, and money controls Congress’ decisions, you can also believe there is a solution if “WE THE PEOPLE” use our power to:
1. Create a forum for grassroots candidates not “approved” by either political party;
2. Eliminate the need for millions of dollars to conduct a viable campaign;
3. Hold incumbents accountable.

I have created an APOLITICAL website that will accomplish those three goals: onehouraweek2020.com.
Please read the site and help me create awareness of it and the questions I will be posting here weekly. Let’s think deeper about our problems. Like the Founding Fathers did. Together “WE” can create a movement with people of all political persuasions. Then “WE” can demand genuine communication from candidates and incumbents that cannot be resisted.

Share with us what you think on this first discussion question: Is health care for all a human right? If so, what is the government’s duty to fulfill that right?